Jesús Medina Julian (onwards ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA) - C/San Juan de Letrán, 4 - 5B - 18012 Granada (Granada) - ESPAÑA.
CIF: 24161988M
Phone: 34 617383216 - 34 654528472
The ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA website provides access to content on the Internet which the User, in general, can freely access.
In addition to this free access, for some services offered by ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA through its website, it will be necessary for the User to register as a Client and to provide personal data necessary to access the aforementioned services: data that allow ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA to render the services and that allow the correct identification of the Registered User as well as the mailing of information and advertising of the different products and offers that ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA may offer on its website. Commercial communications will be made by email to the email address provided by the User who gives his express consent for such advertising mailings by email.
ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA undertakes to comply with the duty of secrecy of such data, as well as to treat it with confidentiality, taking the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access as stated in Organic Law 15 / 1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data and in Royal Decree 994/1999 of June 11.
Likewise, ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA undertakes not to use said personal data for purposes other than the object of the service it renders through its website, a page that offers information on product offers for direct sale through the Internet.
The User will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity of the data provided and ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any User who has provided false data without any prejudice to its right of action.
Any Registered User can at any time exercise the right to access, rectify and, where appropriate, delete their personal data provided, by written request by letter to the address of the registered office of ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA, being the following: ALOJAMIENTOS MEDINA, - C / San Juan de Letrán, 4 - 5B - 18012 Granada (Granada) - SPAIN.
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The User can prevent the creation of cookies on his computer by activating the corresponding option in his browser. This deactivation of cookies does not prevent User access to the contents of the website.
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